Classes for Four Year Olds at The Village Preschool

Four Year Olds

3-day (M-T-W) morning (9:00-11:30) and afternoon (12:30-3:00) classes are available for 4 year-old children. The 4 year-old children are presented with continuation of learning started in the 3 year-old classes. The teachers of the 4 year-olds add more responsibility to the classroom setting. The 4 year-old children will be exposed to letters, numbers, colors, shapes, seasons, holidays, and lots more through the various centers and activities in the room which include: easel, creative art, library, dramatic play, blocks, manipulative toys, listening center, print table, finger plays/songs, field trips and projects. Children must turn 4 by August 1st.


Merilie Larsen

Merilie Larsen


Paula Harrison

Paula Harrison

Assistant Teacher

Emily Wendling

Emily Wendling

Assistant Teacher



Sunrock Farm

Sunrock Farm